Author: Katie
Fresh Thought Friday: What To Expect In The Ward
Dear Katie: I’m having trouble with obtaining medication and my reality is way off. If I admit myself into the hospital, what would the stay be like? What can I expect and how long might I be there for? And how would I pay for it? -Terrified & Troubled …
3 Suicide Prevention Tips
The US Air Force emphasizes a healthy airman-to-airman support system. They have taught this in the form of acronym ACE for years now, distributing playing cards with an ace symbol on it and the definition of the acronym. It’s part of what they call, “being a good wingman.” Regardless whether…
Fresh Thought Friday: Embarrassing Impulses
Dear Katie: I have bipolar disorder and have been struggling a lot lately with being overly outspoken and putting my foot in my mouth. I’m currently a college student and I’ve definitely embarrassed myself on more than one occasion for volunteering things that didn’t need to be said. Is this…
…On Turning 30
It was a sweet day, spending my 30th birthday on Sunday in the company of church family and my husband. It’s now been a whole five days of being 30 (as I write this) and I’m beginning to actually feel like I can act my age and adult. Chris inspired…
New: Fresh Thought Fridays
I’ve been contemplating what else I could offer on my blog for Fridays. And then I got the idea: Dear Abby but for bipolars! So I’m challenging you: send me your craziest, weirdest, most serious (or not so serious) questions in regards to bipolar disorder, living with mental illness, recovery…
Freebie Friday: Gameplan Ebook
So as promised, you can download my FREE Gameplan: A Mental Health Resource Guide, by signing up for my newsletters! If you ignored my pop-up, try this link or refresh your browser. Signing up to receive my newsletter will enable you to get an automatic email with the link to…
Freebie Friday: Definition of Faith
Happy Friday everyone! “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1) Substance. It’s like the guarantee and assurance that comes from knowing Jesus is mine. Think “swagger” but with more confidence, gusto and trust. Children of God should ever be so inclined…
Married To That Man In Uniform
There’s a great resource I’d like to share here for spouses and dependents of US military members. It’s called the Exceptional Family Member Program. I would strongly encourage you to enroll in this program if you are a spouse or dependent of a military member. Army and Navy appear to…
Freebie Friday: John 3:16 Print Out
Happy! Friday! So I have been tinkering around on more artwork for you. I hope you enjoy. You can download the freebie here. Have a great weekend, God bless, and stay brave! -Katie