If you haven’t seen it, check out the new page on my site for news about the release of my memoir, But Deliver Me from Crazy.
Here’s the gist of the page:
Hey there! If you’re here, it probably means you’re looking for some content to help me promote the book in some way. My memoir will be released on March 1, 2020. Any press during the week of March 1 – 14 would be AWESOME! (and of course after that too — but the first week is when I have the best shot at making a list).
THANK YOU — from the very bottom of my heart. I am so grateful you have joined me on the journey to share my “crazy” story, and to open up the topic of mental health in the church — thank you so much for being a part of BipolarBrave.com / Katie R. Dale / Communikated Publishing.
This page is a jump-start to provide you with anything you might need to help spread the word about my book — synopsis, bio, and fun facts. Please reach out if there is anything I can do to help! I look forward to returning the favor in any way that I can.
Note: please send me the link/s to anything you do – I want to make sure you get the recognition and respect on my Resources and Publicity pages.
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Useful Links:
- Download the Media Kit (bio, headshot, blurbs, press release, speaking kit)
- Link to bios and headshots
- Instagram/Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn: @katierdale
- Blog: BipolarBrave.com / award-winning blog / GAMEPLAN: Mental Health Resource Guide – sign up for my free monthly newsletter to receive a free copy
- Like (and tag) Katie R. Dale on Facebook
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Book Description:
But Deliver Me from Crazy: A Memoir is the journey my life took from my junior year of high school into my mid-twenties. I chronicle the experiences I went through with two serious mental illness episodes and their subsequent hospitalizations. But Deliver Me from Crazy will leave you understanding the importance of medical treatment with mental disorders, and how I reconciled my Christian faith in a God who heals with the reality of a life-long illness.
But Deliver Me from Crazy is the narrative of one young woman’s encounters with the unseen, both mental and spiritual. Written by popular blogger and mental health advocate Katie R. Dale, But Deliver Me from Crazy provides a vivid account of first-hand experiences with bipolar disorder type I, with psychotic features. The book is about the lessons she learns from the inside-out – that of faith through spiritual warfare and manic psychosis, and the ever-necessary psych meds she could not do without. But Deliver Me from Crazy: A Memoir is a powerful testimony of God’s healing grace to help stabilize a beautiful mind, and that those who struggle with mental health conditions and their loved ones will not want to miss!
Sample blurb you can use to plug the book:
I’m excited to announce that my friend Katie R. Dale’s book — But Deliver Me from Crazy: A Memoir — hits shelves March 2020! As Katie describes it, “This is a story of hope and healing for those in the dark and confused about what their mental illness means for their faith and prognosis. This journey was a dark one, but I want to share it to encourage those on similar paths in their Christian walk, who are looking for answers amidst the common uncertainties of mental illness.”
While geared toward Christians who have a mental health diagnosis and their loved ones, the book can serve anyone looking to find some clarity and direction in life. To learn more about the book, visit BipolarBrave.com/Book or purchase your copy on Amazon. You can read more about Katie on her blog at BipolarBrave.com/About and follow her on Instagram @KatieRDale and @BipolarBraveBlog.
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Fun publishing facts — the ups and downs of my book process:
- I started writing the book in 2010 at age 22 and thought I would traditionally-publish
- In 2012 I lived “Part Two” of the book and thus, it was not ready to be published for a while as I wrote the rest
- I had an agent who pitched the story to multiple traditional publishers, but none took me on
- That, and joining a local writer’s club, gave me the motivation to decide to self-publish
- Finding out I was pregnant in summer 2019, I decided to focus on publishing before my baby arrives, who is due April 2020
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Fun Katie Facts:
- I’ve worked numerous roles and jobs since graduating from college in 2009, and my favorite was a caseworker for those with mental illness at a behavioral non-profit clinic in rural Missouri
- I’m an avid runner and look forward to eventually beating my college/all-time best personal record in the 5K – a sub-twenty-minute time
- I have an Etsy shop where I sell hand-drawn house portraits
- I discovered my dream job in life has changed (and graphic designer is not it)
- I am married to my better half and he is an inspiration to me — that’s where I get all my good sense from
- We’ve sponsored three children overseas for gospel-sharing projects through Compassion International and Food for the Hungry
- My husband, brother and I have a trifecta of family names – Chris is married to me, Katie, and has a sister named Caitlin, who married a Matthew, which is Katie’s brother’s name, who married a Christi (So Chris – Christi, Katie – Caitlin, Matthew – Matthew!)
- I love to dance even though I make up most of my moves
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Looking for something that isn’t here — or interested in doing something new?
- Get in touch with me! katie@bipolarbrave.com
What do you think?