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Announcing the BipolarBrave Mental Health + Faith Awards 2025


Here’s this year’s press release for the fourth annual BipolarBrave Awards. As per usual and to avoid conflict of interest, I preclude myself from being eligible for the awards. Read on to find all the info on the awards.



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Fourth Annual Awards to Recognize Mental Health + Faith Influencers, Blogs, Organizations, and Broadcasts

In the world of faith and mental health, there’s a remnant of advocates called to stand up to raise awareness and erase stigma. From mental health clinicians to peers with lived experience, pastors to nonprofits, podcasts to broadcasts, these are dedicated servants in God’s kingdom, sharing the gospel of Christ and ministering to the least of these: those affected by mental illness. March 30th is World Bipolar Day, and author and advocate Katie R. Dale will host the fourth annual BipolarBrave Mental Health + Faith Awards again this March.

“These awards aim to honor those who spend their ministry serving in crucial roles within the church. Mental health and mental illness are areas that beg to be addressed for such a time as this. The church should be a city on a hill amidst the valleys in this field,” Dale says.


Dale has been blogging, writing, and speaking on her own personal lived experience and professional clinical background for the past ten years. Her vision encompasses the church being equipped to address these issues and leading with the necessary resources.


Past recipients who have won in the categories of influencer, blog, organization, and broadcast include Pastor Brad Hoef’s Fresh Hope for Mental Health, Maree Dee of Embracing the Unexpected, Tony Roberts of Delight in Disorder Ministries, and Kay Warren of Breathe Ministry. 



For nominees to qualify, they must meet the following criteria:

  • Have been around for at least 6 months
  • Be actively working to educate, enlighten, and transform the way society and the church perceive and treat those with mental illness (mental health conditions and diagnoses as defined by: Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Schizo-affective Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorders, Major Depressive Disorder, and other universally-recognized mental illnesses)
  • Have produced measurable work and successes related to both mental health AND faith arenas (Christian-based faiths only) and share those results for the past 6 to 12 months

This year, the nomination ballot is open March 1st through 14th, and the voting ballot is open March 16th through 23rd. Winners and those who place second and third will be announced on March 30th through’s BipolarBrave blog, newsletter, and social media outlets (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Substack). Deadlines are in Eastern Standard Time Zone midnight their respective dates. This year, up to two nominations per category (influencer, blog, organization, and broadcast) will be accepted per person casting. Only one vote per person will be accepted throughout the entire duration of the voting.


Where and When to Submit Ballots


👉Submit a voting ballot today! Now LIVE

Ballots will go live and can be accessed through their live links on this post on their respective dates.


Winners will also receive a copy of the Hope for Troubled Minds anthology, a PNG of their winner badges for online use, and a logo design/branding package offered through Communikated Expressions LLC. 


If you have any questions or would like to help promote this event, please reach out to Katie at katie(at)


What do you think?