Good resources for Christians with mental illness are few and far between. For many, mental health conditions are unmanageable through prayer and Bible verses alone. Symptoms of a mood disorder may keep you from functioning effectively during the day.
There is still reluctance in the church to seek out professional help in the arena of mental health. But there is also a growing availability of good, sound, scriptural solutions. I’ve provided these five resources for exploring solutions to mental health through a Biblical perspective.
In endorsing these resources, I do not receive any affiliate marketing kickbacks. They are simply a list of resources I have researched and found helpful to making wise choices for mental health guidance.
Founded by Pastor Brad Hoefs who is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, his organization’s goal is to empower individuals and their loved ones with resources to live a full and rich faith-filled life in spite of mental illness. I have worked with Pastor Brad before and his material, and his Fresh Hope network of churches that conduct groups is solid and growing. See link above.
2. Focus On The Family’s List of Mental Health Resources
Focus On The Family was a radio network staple growing up in my home as a child, and now I recognize the powerful platform Dr. James Dobson founded is still an essential resource to any faith-filled families or individuals seeking guidance and wisdom. Their list of resources is a good variety of books and recordings that may be of use to you. See link above.
3. Christianity Today’s List of Mental Health Resources
Christianity Today is a popular Christian publication that featured Amy Simpson, fellow author and speaker, and guest on my blog. She is a wealth of information and worthy resource that shares a list of more resources in the link above. I highly recommend checking them out. See link above.
4. American Association of Christian Counselors
AACC, or American Association of Christian Counselors is a solid network of therapists in America who uphold their Christian worldview and incorporate it into their counseling. Some of my past therapists and friends are a part of the association but I know they’re a trusted resource for godly, sound, Biblical counseling. See link above.
5. Christian Therapist Network
The Christian Therapist Network is a new undertaking by my friend Shelia Duncan, LCSW-C, who is capturing God’s vision to connect Christian therapists/psychiatrists and clients. She is reaching out for those looking to connect to join the network and bring added benefits to them. She will be offering memberships for therapists to help support one another through communications, events, retreats and a blog. Potential clients searching for a therapist may sign up on the site as it launches soon. See link above.
As always, if you or someone you know are experiencing suicidal ideation, please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.
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